トロント掲示板 (仲間探し) - No.250876
Commercial Casting Call
(トロント) 2019-03-30 01:27:05
Japanese Cake Commercial Casting Call- We are looking for two Japanese actors(one male and one female) to be featured in a cake commercial. The project features three different settings to demonstrate cake products from the brand. No acting experience is required but candidates shall take good direction from the director when performing.
The commercial will be filmed on April. 11th; end product will be displayed via YouTube ads. The overall script is in delightful tone. More details to be explained upon casting. The audition is scheduled on Wednesday(April .3rd). Applicants can summit their information (photos, basic body information and availability) to the email of minutevproduction@gmail.com.
About us: we’re a creative video studio with experience and ludic attitude. We keep up with great aesthetics and making every filmmaking experience unforgettably fun. Here are some of our previous work for visual reference.
We look forward to your application and hope to meet more talented people like you.