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Conversation Exchange

English Exchange (オタワ) 2011-03-25 01:58:53

Conversation Exchange; English and Japanese

I am Canadian wishing to make Japanese friends. I can help you with your English and I hope you will help me with Japanese. If you have problems with pronunciation or Canadian culture we can talk about it, and we talk about hope we can improve your English abilities.

Anyone who wants to make English speaking friend in Canada please contact me.






返信‐1 懲りないカナダ人 (オタワ) 2011-03-25 07:32

Dear Troll,

In stead of using Google translate, why don't you put in the effort to write Japanese YOURSELF.

返信‐2 Internet Bullying (オタワ) 2011-03-26 03:00

I guess kindness in not in your heart just telling people want to do...
I guess all your life you have just been a bully... And now that we have the internet you can say what you feel to others and you do not have to face them.

Maybe you should try to be a little more kind to others people who are try to do something with their life.

Do know bullying on the internet is against THE LAW and if I called the police they will find you and change you.