トロント掲示板 (英語) - No.23063

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トロント 英語


ALFIE (トロント) 2011-06-14 03:39:19

We are holding a discussion group to practise speaking English. We'll be using TIME magazine, which you can read online free of charge. This meeting is open to anyone and it is free, but we're holding it in a coffee shop, so you might want to buy a coffee.
The time and place of our next meeting: Sunday at 2PM, Coffee Time on Eglinton West. To get there, go to Eglinton West Station and take any bus that goes Westbound. Get off at ther first bus stop (in front of the TD Bank. Actually, you can walk from Eglinton West Station: Coffee Time is across the street from the TD Bank.
Topics for the discussion will be Quakes in Christchurch and Sarah Palin’s E-mail Etiquette
Both stories are available on TIME's website.
Please read the stories before the meeting.