カルガリー掲示板 (英語) - No.23770

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カルガリー 英語

Language Exchange

Nancy (トロント) 2011-09-05 04:07:44

I would be happy to help any ESL students who is looking to practice their English. I could help with studying/homework or we could just practice everyday conversation. I'm patient and and I love to meet people and learn about their cultures.
I have experience in talking with a person that has limited use of the English language, and because there are many interesting people throughout this forum that don't speak English, and I wish to communicate with them. You could even be one of them, who knows

返信‐1 Canadian guy (トロント) 2011-10-28 08:32

I can't believe no one responded to this thread.

This is a chance for all you Japanese guys to get a Canadian girlfriend. You guys should hurry up and jump on the bandwagon before some else does.

返信‐2 (トロント) 2011-10-28 14:39


返信‐3 Jin (トロント) 2011-12-25 13:54

I wander if I go out with Nancy, what would my current Canadian GF would do to me...
nah, I think I will pass for now ;)