カナダ掲示板 (料理・グルメ) - No.246693

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カナダ全般 料理・グルメ

Japanese Groceries.

JJ (Grandeur Prairie) 2017-09-18 14:29:35

Does anyone know the best online site that deliver Japanese Groceries, such as condiments and Noodles? I live rural area. Nearest big city is Grand Prairie.


返信‐1 a (トロント) 2017-09-18 15:55


返信‐2 Google (トロント) 2017-09-18 22:01

use your brain, search "Japanese Groceries online" on Google.

返信‐3 a (トロント) 2017-09-18 22:04

obviously he is here cuz he doesn't have one dude.

返信‐4 (トロント) 2017-09-18 23:17

返信‐5 Jj (カルガリー) 2017-09-21 12:42

I tried and still looking for reasonable site. Thought someone can recommend me good site from their experience.
Ty for your advice. God bless.

返信‐6 JJ (カルガリー) 2017-09-21 12:43

Ty God bless. I love Japanese people. They are awesome people in person.

返信‐7 lily (トロント) 2017-09-23 01:23

Hi! I've only tried Global Rakuten and it was good service. The others I don't know.




返信‐8 a (トロント) 2017-09-23 01:46

Rakuten is a financially challenging company which could default.
So, think about it.