トロント掲示板 (フリー) - No.247068

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トロント フリー

I lost my back-pack

Su (トロント) 2017-11-02 15:07:48

Please give and thank you
The back-pack's color is navy
I will give you enough money
Please and thank you

返信‐1 a (トロント) 2017-11-02 21:11

I just see black man have navy back pack very very near bloor station walk east! you call 911 and i catch him and put in jain! and u give me money!

返信‐2 Su (トロント) 2017-11-03 05:35

Is he still there?? Please let me know

返信‐3 (トロント) 2017-11-03 08:33


返信‐4 (トロント) 2017-11-03 10:02

He was walking with a fat woman speaking in Japanese. He was very proud of himself getting a backpack for free and I thought it strange.

返信‐5 Su (トロント) 2017-11-03 10:33

Can you call me 647-294-3417.
Please call me

返信‐6 (トロント) 2017-11-03 11:13


返信‐7 Su (トロント) 2017-11-03 11:21

I am Korean and I try to post every website.
So if you know plz call me...in the bag, there are my girlfriend's important medicines..

返信‐8 (トロント) 2017-11-03 12:54


返信‐9 Su (トロント) 2017-11-03 12:57

So I can find them in bloor yonge?

返信‐10 a (トロント) 2017-11-03 13:54

now black man is dundas east!! you run run and catch him and your girl friend medicine get and she is happy your happy and you give me money!!

返信‐11 失せろ (トロント) 2017-11-04 02:05


返信‐12 Su (トロント) 2017-11-04 02:17

Fuck you okay?

返信‐13 a (トロント) 2017-11-04 02:29

Ok... but very gently first please.

返信‐14 a (トロント) 2017-11-04 08:39

Go to a language exchange, you will be surprised to see so many black men trying to get Japanese women (Japanese citizenship and her savings).

They go crazy for light-skinned big butts.

返信‐15 Su (トロント) 2017-11-04 10:17

Are you kidding me?
I just wanna find the back-pack

返信‐16 a (トロント) 2017-11-04 10:57

i just pee myself.....im sorry for messing around....