カナダ掲示板 (生活) - No.24869

掲載内容により損害を被った場合、当サイトでは一切の責任を負いません。 掲載内容の信憑性等の判断は自己責任で。 当掲示板をご利用の方は、 利用規約に同意したとみなします。 問題のある投稿を見つけた場合やご意見ご要望は、 address までご連絡を。 最近の管理内容は、管理報告をご参照ください。
カナダ全般 生活


venting (ハリファックス) 2012-01-27 07:43:22

I am writing to vent, I have to call the ministry to update my address.
Sometimes I have to waite for a long time like half an hour to get a hold of an agent. It's annoying. I should have something to read while I wait.

返信‐1 you need to grow up (トロント) 2012-01-27 07:59

What you are doing is not venting but whining.
All you need is a speaker phone so that you can do something else while waiting.
I also want to point out a few English errors in the second sentence.
- waite (wrong), wait (right)
- get a hold of (wrong), get hold of (right)