カナダ掲示板 (留学) - No.260315

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カナダ全般 留学


diripeg424 (トロント) 2023-12-27 16:50:36

Region a chunk of cloth in a flat-bottomed wok, add water to half the height of the mold, carry the water to a low boil, place the pudding mould at the pot, and steam over low warmth for 15 minutes. Flip off the heat, open the quilt paper, positioned it inside the fridge to freeze in a single day after it cools down, use a knife to raise out the pudding, and flip it the other way up onto a plate.


返信‐1 (日本) 2023-12-27 21:40


洋物の女はマンコ臭いだろ( ̄ー+ ̄)( ̄^ ̄゜)(˙◁˙ )パァ