カナダ掲示板 (英語) - No.261900

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カナダ全般 英語


mor (日本) 2025-01-10 10:53:26


返信‐1 Pw (トロント) 2025-01-11 03:00



Hi, I am a Chinese international student who lived in Canada for 7 years, I think my english is pretty native but I want to practice Japanese here. Thank you

返信‐2 a (トロント) 2025-01-11 03:23

PW, if you seriously want to learn any languages, including Japanese, I want to recommend you to try using Duolingo.

I am currently learning Mandarin Chinese with Duolingo from my PC for the last few months and my evaluation on this tool is pretty good. I get language structures, pronuanceation, quiz on the screen provided and I think this tool is very effective.

I'd strongly suggest you to try Duolingo this tool is much better than talking with a person. You can study a language 24X7 all year long at any time. My grandkids are using this tool to learn Japanese.

BTW, I do not work for Duolingo, LOL.
You get all kind of information on Duolingo if you Google the net.

Good luck.

I think I am OK Mandarin speaker at low level now.

返信‐3 Pw (トロント) 2025-01-11 03:36

To a

Thanks for your advice but I have tried Duolingo for both Japanese and French.

Yes it is an excellent way to dig into the languages but it becomes repetitive after 1 month or so at least for me so I quitted. Majority of my knowledge for these languages are through my personal interests, for example japanese games, french music, etc. This is also how I learned my english before it becomes fluent.

After I came to Canada, I realized everything I learned from China is just wrong and not helpful because people talk differently than textbooks. I learned my English through communicating with people through my high school and have now had multiple Canadian friends here. Apps like duolingo only teaches you the structure but couldn’t help you to speak like a native. Thus, talking to someone is a more straight forward approach to learn a language.

TLDR: Talking to real people is more efficient and interesting than language learning apps/textbooks because it only tells you the structure but won’t benefit in real life events

Those are just my opinions on learning languages.

Thanks for your input though!

返信‐4 A (トロント) 2025-01-11 04:23

I see. maybe dierent tool works for a different people. Good luck with your hunting for a exhange person.

返信‐5 Nice advance (バンクーバー) 2025-01-11 11:44

For sure, good luck towards your advance life.

返信‐6 (トロント) 2025-01-11 12:00


返信‐7 糞布団捨てろ。陰キャ (ビクトリア) 2025-01-11 12:14


返信‐8 ヤンキーや!コイツは!怒 (バンクーバー) 2025-01-11 12:14



返信‐9 (トロント) 2025-01-11 12:21
