トロント掲示板 (旅行) - No.28374

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トロント 旅行

Trip: Going to North Canada to See Aurora (オーロラ)

Rick (トロント) 2013-04-05 06:49:27


I have a trip planned to go to Northern Quebec to try to see Northern Lights (Aurora, オーロラ). You can see more information on it here:

オーロラ Picture: http://bit.ly/12m7RHY

We are going to Raddison, Quebec
https://maps.google.ca/maps?q=radisson quebec&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x4d06b8ad59edc0ff:0xc08f5038eee2549c,Radisson, QC&gl=ca&ei=6_RdUcCPK-mB0AGHroHgCg&ved=0CLwBELYD

The trip is planned for April 26-28. We will leave Toronto on Friday evening (after 7pm), and arrive to North Quebec by Saturday Afternoon. We will be driving 2 cars.

I am looking for 1-3 people to join us. Male or female. The cost will be share the gas cost or food cost. I expect the cost to be about $150 per person. Distance is 1900KM, gas cost is high. I am not keeping any money.


We are going with 2 cars, and it will take 16-19 hours driving to arrive there. We will stay 1-2 nights and then come back to Toronto on Sunday night or Monday morning. Total is going to be 5-7 people (3-4 people per car). All are Canadians, age 23-28, male and female. Both car is SUV (very big car).

MAYBE we will camping for 1 night, or maybe stay at small hotel (if we can find it)

You will need:
- 3 days of warm clothes
- If you need medicine...
- Boots
- Snacks or some food (we will buy most food)
- Camera
- Blanket (If you want, We have tent and camping Equipment to share)
- Bring some good music!!!

If you know how to drive left side, and have Canadian driver license (or international license, its possible you can share a part of driving.

Please send me a message. We can meet for coffee and talk about trip, and I can give more information. If 3 people want to come, it is possible. Please let me know as soon as you can!

Thank you! Lets have a fun trip!