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トロント 仲間探し

Post #2 Want to make Japanese friends!

B (トロント) 2015-05-29 15:51:04

Hello to everyone nice out there.
This will be my second and last post,
I am a Korean-Canadian male (30) hoping to make new Japanese friends.
I like Japanese culture, especially the foods, I time to time グルメ tour around the city. I also like JP animation from Ghibli and I.G. and enjoys listening to J-Pops other than idol music.
I've shared some great times with my JP friends in the past, and wish this opportunity leads to meeting new good people and share good things in life together.
I welcome any questions, and please no racial slurs or disputes! If you are interested, please kindly send me an e-mail linked to my post. どうぞよろしくお願(ねが)いします!

返信‐1 (トロント) 2015-05-30 05:34


返信‐2 B (トロント) 2015-05-30 06:26

I did not write any lies, if you have something to say to people with Korean background, you should come forward and write me an e-mail or make your speech somewhere public instead of bashing on random people on the internet. I will not reply further to your comments. Please go outside and have a good day and leave this post alone thank you!

返信‐3 (トロント) 2015-05-30 06:50


返信‐4 B (トロント) 2015-05-30 07:17

Thank you for your advice. But there aren't really opportunities for me to meet JP people in social gatherings. I work, so time-wise, writing on this forum was my best bet. Lame, but true.

Honestly, any friendship (male or female) is welcome as long as there are common interests to share and enjoy together. I didn't think writing on this forum would give so much trouble to me just because of my KR background. Does this really offend you that much?

Anyways, the decision is yours to make, I find myself pretty easy-going and pleasant, if you want to take a chance and be friends with me, please send me an e-mail, you won't regret. Anyways, good evening to you all. I am off.

返信‐5 a (トロント) 2015-05-30 13:57

Many Japanese who frequent e-maple site are pretty close minded especially towards people of Korean and Chinese nationalities
my suggestion to the OP is to look through meetup.com. You will find many Japanese language and culture events that are happening throughout Toronto and people who attend those events are generally more worldly and open-minded regardless of race, creed, religion.

If I were you, I would not even waste my time posting looking-for-friend ad here on e-maple but rather spend my precious time promoting my ad elsewhere, such as meetup.com, Kijiji, language clubs at your local community colleges/universities etc. Again people who frequent here are mostly FOB and still has not learned to accept outside world besides their own, hence sticking to their own kind, of course same thing goes just for any other race(s). It is a human nature to cling to a group of similar background and cultures. This is particularly true for Japanese.

返信‐6 頭にきてる (トロント) 2015-05-30 14:52


返信‐7 (トロント) 2015-05-30 23:01


返信‐8 差別反対 (トロント) 2015-05-30 23:37


返信‐9 (トロント) 2015-05-31 02:57



返信‐10 a (トロント) 2015-06-01 05:26


Source: http://www.e-maple.net/bbs.html?cat=FF




6と3、E-mapleで非日本人に対するネガキャンするよりか日本文化チャンネル桜のYoutubeで熱い論議をすることを強くお勧めします。それと差別用語はネット上で広めないよう。カナダでは言論の自由は保障されていますが、人種差別は法律で強く禁じられています。ここは日本国ではないので、カナダにいる以上カナダの法律を守ってもらいます。ほかのアジア人同様日本人もvisible minoritiesなので立場を重々わきまえてください。
E-mapleがStormfront Japanに変わらぬよう、心から願いたいものです。


@OP, I'm pretty sure you already know this but try search other sites and good luck finding more friends. I already do have plenty of my own social circles here in Toronto and not seeking new
friend(s). I'm pretty happy with where I am, but would have definitely come out and say what's up, if you are going for Blackhawks ;)

返信‐11 (トロント) 2015-06-01 09:42








返信‐12 いい加減やめない? (トロント) 2015-06-01 13:21



返信‐13 (トロント) 2015-06-01 13:39




返信‐14 (トロント) 2015-06-01 14:15



返信‐15 (トロント) 2015-06-01 21:46



返信‐16 B (トロント) 2015-06-03 04:52

Hello all,

I wrote this post to make JP friends, not to date JP girls.
But it seems like my intention has been spoiled by 反韓 or w/e ideas and now irrelevant 'discussion' about KR guys wanting JP girls. W/e that means, and wherever that sort of stereotype came from, your arguments are too immature and biased, I won't argue. You will believe what you want to believe anyway.

All these years living in Canada, this is the first time for me to experience racism, and it is actually pretty funny/sad it came from same Asian people. Ironic perhaps?

Anyone who aren't 反韓, feel free to contact me by e-mail we can hang out, otherwise, bye, won't be checking this post again.

返信‐17 (トロント) 2015-06-03 05:23


返信‐18 (トロント) 2015-06-03 11:20


返信‐19 a (トロント) 2015-06-03 11:26


I just did a quick simple google search and took me less than 5 minutes to pull results with the website links and You're welcome :)

a) wwwkijiji.ca/b-friendship-networking/gta-greater-




The majority of Japanese are open-minded and only few Japanese who happen to frequent e-maples are sour apples and you need not waste your precious time talking with them. However just to add one more note is the fact that I made couple friends here in E-maple before and they were very open-minded and worldly.
Although, I communicated with them everything in Japanese, so start typing in Japanese and show them you are seriously interested in finding genuine friendship(regardless of race)rather than saying "oh, my time is precious and I can only allow myself 5min talking with other people" I get the impression that you might not be genuine. Hence you get no response. If you have difficulty breaking the ice or when someone do not reciprocate, there's no need to keep banging someone's door, cause that just creates annoyance rather than anything else. Also you need to clearly indicate your intent as to why you are looking for friends...you know what, probably your best best is to go to the above sites that I mentioned and you'll have most likely no problem finding friends ((regardless of race)).

This website is really made by Japanese and for Japanese EXCLUSIVELY. E-mapleは日本人の日本人による日本人のためのサイトです。I know racism sucks but it happens everywhere in the world. I've lived in both countries, Canada and Japan and I can tell you that racism in Japan is just as worse here in Canada, maybe worse than Canada depending on your racial/ethnic background
since I'm not an Asian, I did get by without much trouble, except maybe when I occasionally see "Japanese Only" sign in the rural area. I expected no less since I respected their country and they have the right to do so. If you still aren't satisfied with the low response rate, then go to Stormfront Canada - wwwstormfront.org/forum/ and there you will come to appreciate high response rate from the "very important Anglo members"

I'm a French-Canadian and I sometimes have problem with the Anglo whenever they speak English in Québec, does that count as a racist, Nope, because it's in a French speaking province and we highly encourage my fellow Japanese friends to tell Anglo in Québec this:
Est-ce que vous parlez francais ? (Do you speak French ?)
Anyone wishing to visit here, please respect the language and culture of Québec. absolutely NO English and NO Japanese. Merci.
Good luck finding friends :)

返信‐20 A (トロント) 2015-06-03 11:41

Does all French Canadians speak English in rest of the provinces other than Quebec?

返信‐21 バカはレスするな! (トロント) 2015-06-03 12:03

× Does all French Canadians speak English in rest of the provinces other than Quebec?

○ Do all French Canadians speak English in the provinces other than Quebec?

返信‐22 (トロント) 2015-06-03 13:11


返信‐23 (モントリオール) 2015-06-04 00:54

>Anyone wishing to visit here, please respect the language and culture of Québec. absolutely NO English and NO Japanese. Merci.

WTF?!I live in Montreal but I speak English and Japanese if I want to. Stop with the language fascism Merci!

返信‐24 (トロント) 2015-06-04 01:35
