トロント掲示板 (仲間探し) - No.38719
ロックバンド組みたい Anyone interested in Jrock? :D
(トロント) 2017-03-10 08:13:47
I'm a singer/guitarist... I'd like to make a band to jam some covers and possibly create some songs as well. English songs would be cool as well with the right people.
In terms of Japanese music... The band I like the most would have to be L'arc En Ciel. If you don't like that style, you probably won't like playing with me, haha. If you do though, by all means send me a message :D.
I'm looking for a guitar, a drummer and a bassist. There's not really a plan for now... But if it somehow ends up being something special, I'd love to take it further.
I haven't really said much... So if you have any questions or you'd like to hear how I sing? By all means send me an email.
I'm a bassist from Japan, but are you still looking for members?
If you're interested or if you have any questions, mind sending me an email?
I can play the drum but I don't have the drum. Do u have it ?
I don't have a drum set, but we can go to a rehearsal studio.
If you'd like to talk more, go ahead and send me an email :)