バンクーバー掲示板 (英語) - No.39682

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バンクーバー 英語

Looking for new friends

Ken (バンクーバー) 2017-06-26 17:47:02

I am 33 years old HongKong man.

Nowadays, I have a few chances to make new friends because most of my friends have returned their countries and
busy with their partners.

I usually spent time at home and work and I am hoping to meet Hongkongers and Asian friends for doing fun activities together.

返信‐1 A (バンクーバー) 2017-06-29 08:02

Are you ready sure that you want to find friends here? That's so suspicious. On a daily basis, you could have many other choices to make friends though other social activities like volunteer, language exchanges and even tinder that would give you more opportunities to meet people. Even so, why do you persist with such a small website? It's time to wake up man.