トロント掲示板 (留学) - No.9946
(日本) 2007-03-14 20:45:12
I am unable to type Japanese, sorry...
Facebook: It's just like "Mixi"? in Japan. You can have your own network, post pictures, exchange messages etc...many students do "facebook", it's just a new way of communication.
MSN: Especially "chat" is sensational. People ask "do you have hotmail?" instead of asking phone number because that way you can talk through online.
Youtube: Younger generation use this A LOT to watch music videos, sports...and they even use this for class presentations.
Other things: Ipod, Lulu Lemon, Aritzia (clothing brand), UGG (winter boots)...
I don't know if that's what you are looking for and also I am not sure it's something perticularly in Toronto. But these are the things I see as a student here.
I am curious to know WHY you wonder these things. It would be great if you could post the reason!