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トロント 部屋貸します シェア/ルームメイト No.389380

Keele駅が最寄りのシェアハウス Wi-Fi, 光熱費、水道代、掃除用具代は家賃含 $1000 1月1日入居可。英語環境

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更新日 :
2024-11-19 23:59
One room for January 1st 2025.

Spacious Room for Rent in large 3 Bedroom Home near St Clair West and Weston Rd (Upper Junction). Preference given for long term.

3 bedroom with 1.5 bathrooms, main floor of the house.

Price: $1,000 per month includes rent, utilities, high speed internet, fully furnished kitchen, fully furnished bedroom with a queen size bed. Closest with light.

Unit was used for residential purposes prior to April 2017.
I am the master tenant (leaseholder) seeking roommate

January 1st 2025 move in, 8 months initial term with option to extend to a year.

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS for application: Proof of income. First and Last month's rent.

You will be living with a student and 2 professionals who keep a clean and respectful space. This is a lovely large house with a lot of space near a dead end on a quiet street. (a student is moving out in December 2024)

There is a free gym 15 minute walk that was recently built 7 years ago. Gym, dance studio, swimming pool, different classes you can register for that are also free.

The house was renovated throughout late 2017.

Note: No pets, no smokers and no drugs. I sometimes work with newborns and I can't have any scent on me.

・家賃:月額$1000(高速Wi-Fi, 光熱費、水道代、掃除用具代)

興味ある方、ご質問がある方はぜひご連絡ください。 ※投稿者は現在入居中の日本人
メールアドレス ご自身のメールアドレスを入力してください。

コピー送信 自分宛にメールのコピーを送る 送らない
掲載期限 2025-01-18