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トロント 求人してます コンピュータ関連 No.394682

Volunteer Opportunity: Web Development & WordPress Setup

投稿者 :
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更新日 :
2025-03-12 14:11
Are you in your 20s or 30s, tech-savvy, and interested in web design, development, or computer science? Here's a fantastic opportunity to grow your skills and build your portfolio!

This volunteer opportunity involves spending a week helping to set up a WordPress website. I'll guide you through all the details of WordPress, the template, and the documentation, so you’ll learn the ropes in no time. Plus, you'll have the chance to add this experience to your portfolio, which can help open doors for future opportunities!

Not only will this help you enhance your web development skills, but it’ll also improve your English, computer skills, and ability to read and understand documentation. It could even give you the tools to start your own business in the future!

If the business succeeds, there will be more projects, and if you do a great job, there’s potential for paid work down the line. Let’s help each other grow and build something amazing together!

If you're interested, send a message and mentioned about your education level, your previouse work experiece and why you like to learn and start with web design and development! if you looked interesting person to work with, then We can meet up at a Starbucks or library where I can teach you the basics and help you get started. I look forward to working with you!
メールアドレス ご自身のメールアドレスを入力してください。

コピー送信 自分宛にメールのコピーを送る 送らない
掲載期限 2025-05-11